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Find your leads on social media in seconds

Unlock the power of realtime social media insights to connect with potential customers instantly. With DozenLeads, the perfect lead is just a click away.


loved by +50 customers


Tired of scrolling for hours to find leads?

DozenLeads saves you 2 hours per day by finding leads for you.
It scrapes social media and finds leads ready to buy your product or service from all platforms.

How Will Dozenleads Unlock Your Business?

Promoting the product

And receive feedback from potential customers who are ready to buy.

Cold email outreach

Send cold emails with a great offer and close more deals!

Cold DM Outreach

Send cold DMs automatically and effortlessly gain more clients.

Content Marketing

Use your email list to share valuable blog posts and engage your audience.

Seamlessly connect with potential customers! DozenLeads brings realtime social media leads right to your fingertips, making it effortless to reach and engage with your audience.

Don't take our word for it

Discover why our clients love working with us.

Plans and Pricing

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Experience the power of realtime lead generation